Spacepac Industries have a range of Plastic Pallets for the storage and freight of goods, which provide a host of advantages.
- environmentally Friendly
- Economical- lightweight, reducing freight costs
- Minimal Pallet maintenance required
- Easy transport for large or small product volumes
- hygienic – easy cleaned & sterilised
Nally MH1673 Flat Top Pallet Raised Edge
- External Dimensions: 1165L x 1165W x 150Hmm
- Unit Weight: 20kg
- Drive-in Racking: NA
- Dynamic Load: NA
- Static Storage: 500kg
- colour: White
For all Drive- in / thru applications Spacepac Industries recommend that racking trials be carried out in each case. The load bearing capabilities of plastics improve at reduced temperature and are lower at elevated temperatures. Conversely, as with all plastic materials, impact resistance is reduced at lower temperature and increases at higher temperatures. All loads must be uniformly distributed on the pallet deck- n o point loads.