Sotralentz (Sonoco) – Screwable Barrel Valve, EPDM and Viton Seals or Mamor – Screwable Valve to suit Mamor IBC, santoprene seals
2″ ‘DARCIE-LITE’ IBC ball valve, S60X6 female buttress in-let X S60X6 male, C/W dust cap, BLACK,G/P/P
Female S60 = 56-62mm ID
Female S75 = 70-75mm ID
Female S80 = 75-80mm ID
Male NW50 = 62mm OD
BSP = British standard pipe-thread,
NPS=Nominal Pipe Size, fine.
NPT=National Pipe Tapered Thread, fine.
Measurements given by the manufacturer as NW, DN, or S all refer to approximate/nominal sizes e.g. NW50 is nominally 50mm. S70 is nominally 70mm. However, DIN is an exact measurement e.g. DIN61 is 61mm. NW50 also known as buttress or coarse thread. Also known as DIN61 or S60.